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Small Biz Loan Assistance

The RCV Small Business Growth & Development program is NO LONGER assisting small business owners with applications for Economic Injury Disaster Loans through the Small Business Administration. 

If we assisted your business with obtaining and EIDL loan, we encourage you to continue to make your payments, or contact the SBA to request a Hardship Repayment Plan which will help  to lower the amount of your monthly payments and bring your account current.


School Of Promise Project

Founded in 1998 in Hartford, Connecticut, RCV began as a learning corridor between the North East region of the United States and the Northern Region of Ghana, West Africa. 


Since that time, RCV has collected thousands of clothing items, toys, books and other learning materials and have gifted the donations to children in villages that are both economically and geographically marginalized.  The "Children in the Village" program is the flagship project of RCV and remains a pillar of the RCV Mission to date.


Individuals or agencies wishing to contribute to Remembering the Children in the Village (RCV)  should contact us right away. We will quickly disbribute a receipt for all donations that can be given to your tax preparer. 


Become a volunteer. RCV often hosts events, fundraisers and tours. Contact us today to learn more about Volunteer or Exchange Student opportunities currently available.


To bring awareness, support and resources to marginalized communities around the world, one person at a time.

© 2017 by Remembering the Children in the Village

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